Aims, Values and Ethos
Our ethos is that ‘the individual counts’ and this is reflected in every aspect of school life. We accept pupils of all abilities in both Junior and Senior school and our emphasis is placed on providing each with an opportunity to fulfil their potential both academically and in terms of personal development. To this end, our curriculum is wide and varied and pupil and parental choices are always considered. For example, pupils entering Senior School have the option to take two modern foreign languages, only one or they may choose to use this timetabled time for extra support in English. We fully appreciate that each child is different and that they learn in different ways; at different rates and that their social skills and confidence may vary.
We are totally inclusive and careful setting enables us to provide for our most able pupils who may, for example, desire 11+ preparation in Junior School or to take GCSEs early in Senior School. For pupils who require extra support, our Learning Support Department provides both in class support and one to one tuition. Each pupil’s needs are considered carefully; we are not a ‘one size fits all’ school!
We adopt a ‘whole child ‘approach at all times and our nurturing environment and small size means that all pupils are known personally. They are actively encouraged to take on positions of responsibility and to engage fully in the wider aspects of school life such as in sport, music, drama, the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, National Sports Leaders and the National Arts Award. Our primary concern is that our pupils leave us with high self esteem, confidence, awareness and consideration for others and the best academic results they can achieve. A tall order, but one which we know we deliver!