Personalised Learning
The school accepts pupils of all abilities and therefore learning is always tailored to meet the needs of the individual. This unique approach together with small class sizes enables all pupils to achieve their full potential. Our Value Added score shows that pupils exceed expectations and that their progress is significant.
All pupils benefit from an education which is tailored to meet individual needs. Pupils follow a broad and balanced curriculum, but within this there is a great amount of parental and pupil choice.
As they progress through to Key Stage 4 study, they have a great deal of choice regarding numbers of subjects studied and at which level. We offer both GCSEs and BTECs.
Special Educational Needs
Pupils who require learning support are superbly catered for across all aspects of school life both within and beyond the classroom. All staff follow recommendations for individual pupils in their EHCPs and teachers use a variety of teaching approaches to overcome barriers to learning. Learning support assistants are carefully matched to their pupils and close links with parents are seen as essential.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs are brilliantly supported on trips and in extracurricular activities and clubs.
The SEN Department is overseen by the SENDCo.