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Kirkstone House School

Kirkstone House School

Welcome to KHS Seniors

Our Senior School accepts pupils of all abilities in Years 7-11. Each year is generally made up of pupils who have come through our own Junior School together with an equal number from other schools. We accept pupils into any year group at any time of the school year and some pupils are given an opportunity to repeat a year if this is considered to be in their best interests.

 All pupils benefit from being taught in small classes and on-going assessment makes careful differentiation and streaming possible. Learning support is provided for pupils who need it both within class and on a one to one basis.

The atmosphere in Senior School is calm and friendly. All pupils are known by staff and no cover teaches are used in school. Behaviour is excellent and the relationship between pupils and staff is based on mutual respect and is outstanding.

Pupils belong to a tutor group and also to a House. Pastoral Care is rated as Excellent by ISI and we ensure that all pupils feel settled and happy. Pupils with high self esteem learn best and every effort is made to ensure that all pupils have someone they can talk to. There is zero tolerance of any kind of bullying including the misuse of social media.

The School environment lends itself well to sporting activities as pupils benefit from extensive grounds and a wealth of sporting facilities.